Health Tips - Eating With Others

Eating With Others

These ideas may lower your "sick" days after visiting.

  1. Kiss people on the cheek when you greet them, or just hug them.   Maybe germs are the reason for air kisses!
  2. Avoid dips.  People often bite a vegetable or chip and put it right back into the dip.  Think individual servings as much as possible.
  3. Avoid sharing cups, utensils and bites of food.
  4. Keep an excess of napkins in multiple locations for easy guest access.
  5. Make sure you eat and/or serve lots of raw vegetables and fruit as these are very high in vitamin C and other nutrients to help people handle whatever their bodies encounter.

This tip is a part of my disease prevention section. Be sure to read all my other disease prevention health tips to learn how to keep yourself and your family healthy!

Bon appetite!  

Dr. Pepi

November 29, 2007