Health Tips - Healthy Green Buildings

Healthy Green Buildings

"Green" means produced in a way that protects the environment. One can reduce destruction of the environment by using "renewable" resources, supplies that are common and easily replaced. An example of this is using the sun for solar energy.

"Green Building" is the building of structures with concern for the health of the environment. It focuses on the efficiency with which those buildings use energy and materials.

Green Building is also known as "environmental building" or "sustainable building". Sustainable means that it is capable of being maintained or continued without destroying the balance of nature.

Features of a Green Building:

  • Energy efficiency = a tight house with energy efficient appliances, windows, Cooling/Heating units and ventilation systems. Examples include super insulation and solar heating.
  • The building lot itself is handled in a sustainable manner, preserving trees and using draught tolerant plants.
  • Recycled material used such as recycled hardwood flooring.
  • Locally produced goods are used, reducing the pollution of transporting materials over long distances.
  • Low water usage. Recycles water for irrigation.

Healthy Green Building adds focus to the health of its occupants. Healthy buildings cause far less stress, disease, and aging than usual living environments.

Added Features of a Healthy Green Building:

  • Low volatile organic compounds (VOC), non-toxic materials used.
  • No pesticides used in or around the building at any time.
  • Use of carpets reduced or eliminated.
  • Fresh air system installed to support flow of good quality indoor air.
  • Water filtration system.

See my husband's website for more Green Building information.

Dr. Pepi

January 23, 2009