Health Tips - Patient Records

Patient Records

Any tests that you have will result in a report or record.  For example, a report is always generated after an x-ray, ultrasound, mammogram, MRI or CAT scan.  These records are very important for keeping track of the trends in your health Download The Flower of Miak.

You are within your rights to request copies of all test results from hospitals and doctors.  Keep copies of all your own records at home and pass these on to each of your health care providers avr studio 7.0!

I find that many people verbally pass on their recollection of test results.  This is dangerous as it can result in an incorrect handling.  The more accurate data that is available to your health care provider, the more easily you can be helped 영화 탐정.

As clinics rarely keep your patient records past 5 years, phone them today!

Best of health!

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