Health Tips - Deodorant, Best

Deodorant, Best

Ever seen an open box of baking soda in someone’s refrigerator?  It is to help deodorize the refrigerator.

While I’ve never cared about deodorizing my refrigerator, I have looked for a safe, healthy deodorant.  Baking soda is the least expensive, most effective deodorant around Download Kuroko's 3rd basketball.

Here’s how to use it: Put a small covered container of baking soda in your bathroom. In your morning shower, using soap and a washcloth really handles a lot of the germs that contribute to odor asp 다중. After drying off, put about 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda in the palm of one hand. Then put a few drops of water on it and mix together with both hands Unlimited music. Apply most of this under both armpits. The last bit in your palms should be rubbed on the top and back of your upper arms. Let it dry and you’re good to go. 

A healthy deodorant is crucial because what you put on your skin goes straight into your bloodstream and other body parts.  Cancer research has found deodorant chemicals in breast cancer tumors Safe YouTube.

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