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Egg Drink


Place a dozen eggs, in their shells, in a colander, throwing out the egg carton. Rinse the eggs thoroughly with water, place them in a deep container and cover the eggs with 3% hydrogen peroxide for at least 1/2 hour. This helps destroy any germs on the outside of the eggs. Click here for more data on germs on chicken eggs.


For one person, crack two eggs into a blender. Leave out the egg shells. Add 1/3 cup of almond or rice milk (or raw milk if available) and a pinch of seasalt. Add a dropper of stevia extract or 1+ teaspoon of raw agave nectar. Blend on high.

Optional flavorings: 1/2 cap of vanilla extract, couple of shakes of cinnamon and/or nutmeg, and/or a tiny piece of fresh ginger root.


Throw in a stick of cinnamon for fun. Once poured into glasses, you can use a stencil to sprinkle cinnamon and nutmeg lightly in a festive design on top. See photo.

Health Benefits:

Raw eggs cause brain repair and generally strengthen most body parts. Raw eggs contain inositol, which is the part of the vitamin B complex that reduces cholesterol, so enjoy!