Health Tips - Pancakes, Five Grain

Pancakes, Five Grain

Five Grain Pancakes

  • Grind 1 3⁄4 cups of Five Grain Download Stardew Valley.
  • 1⁄2 teaspoon sea salt
  • 1 tablespoon unheated honey
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 cup milk
  • Separate 3 eggs Download Rayman 1. Add yolks to mixture.
  • Whip the whites with an electric mixer until peaks remain when you pull out the mixer.
  • Gently blend egg whites briefly into mixture 킬유어달링.
  • Add water as necessary to make a batter with a runny consistency.

Heat a griddle to 375 degrees or heat a cast iron frying pan to medium to medium high.  You are ready to start when a few drops of water dance across the surface.  If the surface is too hot, the oil will smoke City Hall. Between batches of pancakes, wipe off debris with a paper towel.  Oil surface lightly for each new batch of pancakes.

When bubbles appear at the center of the pancake, gently flip it and cook until golden brown (about a minute) Download the initials d.  Serve immediately or cover with a towel, keeping in a warm place such as under a heat lamp.

Pancake Syrup

1 tablespoon unheated honey
2 tablespoons water
sprinkle of sea salt
several drops of stevia extract
optional: 1 teaspoon vanilla or almond extract

Try each of my other recipes to improve your health 샌드박스 대격돌.

Happy eating,

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Dr. Pepi