Health Tips - Sunburn Remedy

Sunburn Remedy

Black tea is one of the better sunburn remedies, easily available everywhere and inexpensive.

Usage Notes:

  1. Brew a cup of tea, let it cool and use the tea bag or a cloth to pat the tea over irritated skin 안드로이드 웹에서. Black tea removes the heat and pain of the burn, and makes your skin less likely to peel. It also tends to turn the burn into a tan due to the "tannins" in it 나는 내일 어제의 너와 만난다 다운로드. Tannins or tannic acid are chemicals from various plant parts which are capable of promoting tanning. (From the French word "tan" which means "crushed oak bark".)
  2. If brewing isn’t an option, soak several black tea bags in water, allowing the tannin to release 소시지. When the water darkens, it is ready to use.
  3. If your eyelids are sunburned, put ice cubes in cooled tea and use the tea bags as compresses directly on your eyelids 워너비.
  4. If you can lie flat, you can leave the tea bags on irritated skin for 20 minutes or more.
  5. If you are busy, strain the tea into a spray bottle for use while you are on the run Download the reversal. Shake the bottle and spray onto burnt skin. Do not spray into your eyes.
  6. You can repeat the tea dousing as often as you like to increase the soothing effect 이지폼 무료.

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Happy sunbathing!

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