Health Condition - Anxiety


Dr. Pepi conducts extensive research and has made many breakthroughs in healing and nutrition. She is expert in finding the underlying source of a condition, enabling her to provide immediate relief with lasting results.

Since 1984 Dr. Pepi has been using natural methods to effectively help patients who suffer from anxiety.

In just two weeks my energy is 400% better!

What Causes Anxiety?

In addition to emotional and life stresses, there can be physical causes of anxiety which fall into three general categories:

  • anxiety free livingNutritional deficiencies that affect the function of the nervous system and the glands. This can be from eating incorrectly or from an inability of your body to absorb the nutrients it needs.
  • Chemical aggravations which stress the nervous system. This can include chemicals in your food or environment, including allergens.
  • Underlying infection and disease. There can be any number of diseases that directly affect the nervous system, such as parasites and Lyme Disease, that go unnoticed.

Traditional Treatment of Anxiety

The typical medical viewpoint regarding anxiety is that there is some chemical imbalance in the brain, although there has been no scientific research that proves this. While many drugs are available for this condition, they simply overlay the anxiety with numbness—reducing sensation and ability to feel any kind of emotion. Additionally, these medications have other, life-threatening, side-effects.

How Can Dr. Pepi Help Me?

Dr. Pepi has consistent success in relieving anxiety. She does this by consulting with you and based on your history, current diet and lifestyle, design an individualized diet and supplement program intended to handle any physical causes of your anxiety condition.

The consultation can be done over the phone or as an in-office visit. Click here to go to our "Schedule a Consultation" form, or give us a call at 818-808-0899.

Success Stories

"In just two weeks my energy is 400% better! I am sleeping better for the first time in years. My depression is 95% better and I have gotten off all my anti-anxiety and antidepressant medications!"        R.K.


"One phone consultation with Dr. Pepi has changed my life. I was having trouble with anxiety and depression, weight and menopausal symptoms. She motivated me and told me what to do and what to take and eat. After 11 days, my anxiety and depression were 95% better, I’d lost 7 lbs and my menopausal symptoms were nearly gone. I could focus more and have more personal motivation.

"It's now 4 months later and I’ve done 2 more phone consultations and I’m still doing great – even better!"        N.N.


"I came to Dr. Pepi with my heart racing, accompanied by an anxiety somatic. In a very short time Dr. Pepi found why and handled it. I feel better than I've felt in a long time."        J.H.


"FEAR… was through my body – Tremors left hand and left foot – shaky knees – unable to walk straight – many other physical and mental anxieties. Four visits later (2 weeks to ten days perhaps) FEAR IS GONE!!! Tremors, mostly due to stress have cut down. Emotional stress more understood."        M.S.


"I came in for the first time. I felt overwhelmed, anxious, depressed. I could not 'get out of my head'. After 40 minutes with Dr. Pepi I was smiling, laughing and felt like a new person."        L.M.


"I had my first phone consultation with Dr. Pepi only 2 weeks ago. I am a single mother with 3 children. In just two weeks my energy is 400% better! I am sleeping better for the first time in years. My depression is 95% better and I have gotten off all my anti-anxiety and antidepressant medications! I have also lost 2 dress sizes!!

"My kids are much better as well. My 19 month old was not sleeping through the night and now he is. Two of my children have asthma problems and have been able to decrease their breathing treatments by 60% and 75%!"        R.K.