Health Tips - Dental Cavities

Dental Cavities

Dental cavities are infections in your teeth. They are avoidable. If you had regular bladder or lung infections, you would work to prevent those. Your teeth are no different.

Cavity-prevention suggestions:

  1. Keep your diet alkaline with a large volume of raw vegetables. An alkaline pH is unfriendly to infection.
  2. Avoid highly processed, sugar and flour products, as they strip away the minerals and vitamins that keep teeth strong.
  3. As soy demineralizes the body and teeth, it should be avoided.
  4. Take 2 or more Core Level Bone per day, as it strengthens teeth and the bones they are part of. It helps handle any infections in teeth and bones as well. You can order Core Level Bone here.
  5. Make your mouth an unfriendly environment for infection. Read this tip on mouth care.
  6. Follow your dental hygienist’s advice on care of your teeth.
  7. Above all, know that, regardless of anyone else’s viewpoint, teeth can be cavity-free.

This health tip is a part of a series, read all the health tips on dental and mouth care here!

Strong, healthy teeth are a joy!

Dr. Pepi

June 30, 2008