Health Tips - Free of Psychiatric Drugs

Free of Psychiatric Drugs

Unlike real medical conditions which can be verified by a scientific procedure, there are no blood tests, brain scans, chemical imbalance tests or X-rays that can prove any psychiatric disorder is a disease or illness. Watch psychiatrists discuss this themselves in this video here.

Yet many millions of people are prescribed psychiatric drugs that are acknowledged by international drug regulators as causing suicide, mania, homicidal thinking, psychosis, diabetes, heart attack, stroke and sudden death.  These drugs are designed to benefit those with a vested interest in hooking millions more on drugs.

People deserve real help for their conditions.  Even though the pharmaceutical cartel works hard to make people believe otherwise, there are safe solutions. Read the success stories my patients have had through natural treatment. Are you taking medication for a disease or symptoms but want natural help?  I can help you to get effective help for anxiety or depression.

Best wishes,

Dr. Pepi

January 17, 2008