
"I will continue referring patients to Dr. Pepi because she gets results! Dr. Pepi also helped me handle my own long-term problems with sleep and energy. She was able to zero in on my exact situation and fix it quickly."
Lisa Benest, M.D.
"I would not hesitate to refer any of my patients to Dr. Pepi."
Gene Denk, M.D.
"I have been a Registered Nurse since 1983. I have worked most of those years in a major Los Angeles hospital. Since 1983 I've worked with many medical doctors and alternative care practitioners. I have never seen a more accurate diagnostician than Dr. Anita Pepi."
Tere NeSmith, RN
"I've worked in labs as a Medical Technologist for 33 years. My purpose was to be on a team that would help handle disease. Even though there is a vast body of medical data available, I saw few results. I had health situations that weren't resolving. Then I discovered Dr. Pepi. She has brought together several disciplines and uses them with a full intent to get her patient well. I have consistently gotten good results when seeing Dr. Pepi."
Leora Worthington, Medical Technologist
"I am a professional baseball manager. I consider the technology Dr. Pepi uses to be indispensable to my life and athletic career. There is no health science more highly evolved and effective as the one she uses. As well as routinely flying in for treatment myself, I recently sent a disabled pitcher of mine to her. No previous doctor had been able to handle his back pain so that he could pitch. After one visit with Dr. Pepi, he was able to pitch and helped us win the Texas League Championship."
Tim Ireland, 1994 Minor League Coach of the Year
"One phone consultation with Dr. Pepi has changed my life. I was having trouble with anxiety and depression, weight and menopausal symptoms. She inspired me and told me what to do and what to take and eat. After 11 days, my anxiety and depression were 95% better, I'd lost 7 lbs and my menopausal symptoms were nearly gone. I can now concentrate more easily. It's now 4 months later and I've done 2 more phone consultations and I'm still doing great - even better! I think it's important to have someone who knows the right things to do and take and eat to make your conditions better, things that are right for your body. I've found that in Dr. Pepi. As a professional, I highly recommend Dr. Pepi. I enthusiastically refer patients, co-workers and family members to her."
Dr. Mindy Matthes, DDS
"Two years ago I had constant pain in my neck which frequently would turn into sharp pains running down my left arm and across my chest. Two or three fingers would feel tingly, or as though they had fallen asleep. Following treatment from Dr. Pepi, these symptoms have completely disappeared."
William A. Condon, PhD, Professor of Physiology, Univ. of New Hampshire