When it comes to improving something in a body, don't worry about what anyone else says. Ask, how could I make this
Dr. Anita Pepi
One reward for creating a healthy body is having a dependable vehicle to use in reaching for your goals and dreams. May you achieve it
Dr. Anita Pepi
Surviving better -- that is the only game worth playing. Make every activity, and when possible, make everything you ingest, contribute to a far healthier state.
Dr. Anita Pepi
Your body is an organized, complex system that is quite miraculous. Most of us can walk, talk, and have children. The more you appreciate what your body can do, the more amazing things it will expand to do.
Dr. Anita Pepi
Your body is a home for you as a being, a key environment. The higher the energy and vibrancy of the substances you put into and around it, the easier it is for you to feel good and do well.
Dr. Anita Pepi
Bodies are self-healing machines, if given the correct fuel. If yours is not healing, you are probably not giving it the right food.
Dr. Anita Pepi
People use a car or a com- puter and maintain and fix them when necessary. A human body is like a car or a computer. Worrying doesn't help. Just use it, maintain it, and fix it when necessary.
Dr. Anita Pepi
Observation will tell you what to do with your body. Pay attention to how it re- sponds to lifestyle and dietary changes and different environments. Do what makes it better.
Dr. Anita Pepi
Hard work is usually ap- plied to careers. The next time you are upset about your health or fitness, apply hard work to that too!
Dr. Anita Pepi
Your body is yours. You should collect data from doc- tors about it, but the deci- sions are yours to make.
Dr. Anita Pepi
Murphy's Law ("Anything that can go wrong usually does.") is cancelled. There is no harm in preventing potential problems. Things can go well with bodies, and in life. Anyone can make things go right.
Dr. Anita Pepi
Laughter reduces stress hormones, relaxes muscles, and improves the immune response. Create laughter!
Dr. Anita Pepi
You can heal your body. Most of the time, what's broken can be fixed or improved, regardless of the complex name given to it.
Dr. Anita Pepi
No two bodies are exactly the same. Don't expect yours to react and be like someone else's. Even with twins, the genes and the different beings involved manifest themselves uniquely.
Dr. Anita Pepi
What do you want your body to look and function like? Picture it exactly. So be it.