Health Tips - Germ Theory

The “germ theory of disease” is the assumption that there is a specific germ causing each disease. It is the belief of modern medicine that it is their job to know and prescribe the right drug or vaccine to handle each of these separate germs Phishing Strike. A patented, expensive, miracle drug for each condition is the medical operating basis.
Germs are a real thing. In 1847, a Hungarian obstetrician noticed the 30% death rate among women who delivered at a hospital Download originlab. He related this to examinations of the delivering women by doctors. When the doctors washed their hands with water and lime before examining women, the death rate dropped to less than 2% at that hospital 천공의 포로.
While germs are a factor in disease, they are only one factor. Around 1347, there was a famous bacterial infection called the Black Death or the Plague that killed about one third of the population of Europe Download the new hymn. What happened with the other two thirds that were exposed and survived?
Germs are everywhere. Why is it that not everyone gets sick? Why is it that not everyone gets food poisoning from the same food 인스타? Clearly there are other physical factors that are important such as genetics, immune strength, and nutritional and lifestyle habits.
The originator of the Germ Theory was the chemist Louis Pasteur 인사이드 아웃 자막. On his deathbed, Pasteur is quoted as saying, “The terrain is everything; the germ is nothing.” The environment or body that the germ is in can make or break it 원격 데스크톱 연결.
Chiropractor Bernard Jensen forwarded the Rat Theory of Garbage. He said that rats do not create garbage; they are attracted to it. Jensen asserted that germs do not create disease; they are the cleanup crew for an unhealthy body, like vultures feeding on dead flesh 프리즌.
Senior to all physical factors is the emotional and mental state of the person whose body is fighting the germs! Have you ever noticed how many doctors do not get sick 블루스택 게임 데이터 다운로드? They are around infection all day long.
Your body runs into viruses and bacteria on a continual basis. The trick is for you to be healthy and causative over them, physically and mentally dvd shrink 다운로드!
This tip is a part of my disease prevention section. Be sure to read all my other disease prevention health tips to learn how to keep yourself and your family healthy!
Best wishes,
Dr. Pepi