Health Tips - How To Improve a Hospital Stay #2 in series

- Arrange for a private room, as soon as one is available. This can reduce some of the potential for hospital-acquired infection 더 헌트. Also, when you are sleeping, ill, or drugged are very bad times to be mentally recording a roommate’s negative conversation dext 파일 다운로드. You need quiet and rest!
- Keep the door to your room closed for the above reasons.
- Keep visitors silent unless you are fully awake and conscious Java file batch. They can socialize in the hallway.
- Keep the T.V. off. This is not a good time to be hearing the continual bad news and alarming drug company advertisements 전설의 대장장이.
- Only let cheerful, constructive people know that you are in the hospital. People expressing criticism or worry about you will not help you heal 토픽 기출문제!
- At all times, no matter how bad you feel, do not antagonize your caregivers. Treat them with courtesy and respect.
- Keep your painkiller medications to a minimum as they delay healing Download the Sound of Music movie.
- As soon as you are able, walk around. Take small journeys to the bathroom or the end of the hallway. Bodies do not perform well laying flat for days at a time 심즈 4 무료. If you cannot get up, try to find a window to look out of or just keep looking around, taking an interest in your environment.
- As much as possible, have your most trusted person there with you, to help you make decisions 미디어플레이어.
- Have healthy food brought in for you. Nutrition is not a hospital’s specialty 시크릿 책. Learn more about healthy hospital food.
- It is usually a good idea to go home at the earliest moment your doctor approves your release download x360ce.
See other tips in my hospitals series on how to make the most out of a hospital stay.
Best of health,
Dr. Pepi