Health Tips - Sources of Health Information

Sources of Health Information

Since the age of the internet, I have had people ask me a ton of questions related to some source of information they have found. I thought I would clarify what is my source of information.

"Scientific" studies are so easily rigged that I look at what I read there with a critical eye. Who paid for the study? Who do they work for? Who is their source of income? Who are they connected to?

The media has similar problems. Who pays for that newspaper, TV ad or magazine? If information is promoted in any form of media, I immediately question it. For example, the dairy industry has the public in fear through media ads that they have to eat dairy to keep strong bones. Not true. In nations that have a high dairy intake, the osteoporosis rates are highest.

Then there are health websites. "Doctor so and so" says this and that. "Snopes" says. . . .

Many people take what they read on the internet or in the media as fact. That is not necessarily so.

When reviewing health information, I always ask myself what that source stands to gain from their claim. A manufacturer may say that a product provides "100% of the US daily requirements of essential vitamins and minerals!" Yet it can be a highly processed, sugar-loaded product. When financial interests come first, you are usually given incomplete or distorted information to encourage you to buy.

The sources of health information that I consider valid are those that can be proven or shown to be true. If there is a program or product that can be shown to have success or results, that product or information has proven validity! I don’t care who the source of that information is. Harvard and the other "authorities" hold no more weight for me than an instance of something observed and proven to work in the real world.

With the onslaught of information in current times, it is even more important that you find out what is true for you.

I have researched for decades to find what works well to make bodies function at their best, and I continue to search for new, healthful information. I encourage you to read more about me, or read some of the success stories which patients have submitted over the years.

Keep observing for yourself!

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Dr. Pepi

March 10, 2010